All of our latest blog features.
Stay up to date with everything going on in the business world with our news and updates. Filter by topic to find the news that’s most relevant to you – we’ll cover everything from personal tax and savings to current affairs and business regulation.
Minimum wage rates soon to increase
Employers are being reminded that new national minimum wage rates will be coming into force in October.
PAYE consultation date looming
Employers have little time remaining in which to share their views with HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) on possible changes to the PAYE system.
HMRC warns of fraudsters’ latest tax rebate scam
HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has announced that 180 websites that send scam emails to taxpayers have been shut down over the past three months.
Government embarks on tax consultation
The Treasury has issued nine consultation papers on various aspects of the personal and business tax system in what amounts to a far-reaching overhaul of the entire regime.
Reminder of new VAT online filing rules
HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has reminded businesses of changes to the rules on VAT which mean that many must now file returns and make payments online.
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