Welcome to our sixth newsletter for 2024 aiming to bring you the latest in financial news and updates.

This month we focus on the following topics:

HOUSE PRICES FALL FOR THE SECOND MONTH IN A ROW: House prices fell by 0.4% in April to £261,962, following a 0.2% drop in March.

UK PREDICTED SLOWEST GROWTH AMONG RICH NATIONS GDP: is expected to rise by only 1% in 2025, below other G7 nations such as Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the US.

SME ENERGY STANDING CHARGES ARE TOO HIGH: Some SMEs’ costs have risen by more than 1000%. Nearly two-thirds of these businesses cite utility costs as a key factor driving higher expenses.

MPS WARN UNFAIR BANKING IS HARMING SMALL FIRMS: The Treasury Committee says confidence among SMEs has fallen.

WANT TO TALK TO AN EXPERT? Call one of the team at Porter Garland for advice on any of your financial matters.  Or to keep reading, click this link: newsroundup-june24

We’re waiting to hear from you. We can’t wait to be a part of your journey, so get in touch with us today, and let’s get to work.